Quick Start Training

Let's start Building

Quick Start Training

How To Get Started With Easy Make Web Builder
In this training, we learn how to set up our account with Easy Make Web Builder so that we can access our client area.
How to Create Your Layout for Your New Website
In this training, we will learn how to begin our we website setup by starting with a design template as a base to create our website.
Create A Manage Access to Your Builder Editor
In this training, we learn how to create a quick access shortcut to our website editor instead of having to go through the main client area.
 Placing Your Website in Unpublish Mode
In this training, we will learn how to take our website out of live mode to make it unpublished and a draft while designing our website.
 How to Add Content Blocks to Your Website Design
In this training we are going to learn how to add content blocks to our website to that will allow us to customize our design
How To Setup Your  Domain Nameserver Records
In this training, we learn how to point our domain names to the Easy Make Web Builder server if you have an existing domain.